When You Can Write About Any Subject...Except Yourself
I'm currently in a position I didn't think I'd be in. Due to a situation out of my control, I'm looking for a new "day job".
My part time job in retail was only ever meant to be a stop gap but here I am 10 years later...oops. It provided me with the means to take on writing opportunities on my days off without the dreaded freelance fear that many of my self employed friends encounter.
While I'm sad to be leaving the amazing friends and colleagues there, in a way I'm grateful. I needed a kick up the bum to find a job in a more suitable sector. Something related to blogging, copywriting or my other passion, filmmaking.
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Image Credit: https://thenewyorkerblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/koalifications-meme-animals-zone.jpg |
I'm hoping that my search for a new "day job" turns out to be more than that. Something that isn't just a means to an end or the security of knowing I can pay the rent.
I want to feel proud doing something I'm not just good at (because, I am damn good at my current day job) but something that suits me.
It's a big ask to find a job you'll love and I'm aware that once a passion becomes a job it can often sour the experience but I get the feeling that's not going to happen.
I'm motivated and positive...well, as long as I don't spend too many hours on job sites sifting through endless telesales, social care and dubious 'Business Opportunity - Work From Home' listings. Why are there so many of those!?
The job sites I've been perusing have given me some script ideas and food for thought though. I've also found some positions that look absolutely perfect for me. Of course, it all comes down to my applications - which are something I struggle with despite being an incredibly competent and experienced writer.
It's so damn hard to write about myself in a way that sells who I am and what I can do. I write persuasive copy that entices readers to consider buying a - quite frankly - BORING 400 piece box of staples.
I engage audiences by making seemingly complicated tech relatable. I can analyse and assess the needs of a client and produce content that attracts website views.
And yet...writing about myself, essentially promoting my personal brand and skillset feels like the most challenging project I've faced!
Maybe it's because I've not had to job search in 10 years but yeeeeesssh it's hard. Ultimately, there's no real direction to this blog post, I think I just needed to vent. So if anyone reading this has any tips or ideas, I'm all ears!
And if you're looking to hire a copywriter or blogger...*waves* I'm over here!
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